2015年10月27日 星期二

A Jogging Workout for Beginners..tw

A Jogging Workout for Beginners

Starting a jogging program may be daunting for many beginner runners, so I have put together a simple jogging plan that will get your cardio and endurance up, all the while burning those pesky calories. Remember that you burn around 100 calories per mile, and a fast pace does not matter as much, so a combination of walking and jogging is still an effective way to lose weight. Try to make time for four jogs a week. This 21-minute workout will help you get the ball rolling for the first week.

A Jogging Workout for Beginners:

  1. Your first jog: Walk briskly for six minutes, then jog at an easy pace for one minute. Repeat three times.
  2. Your next two jogs: Walk briskly for five minutes, then jog at an easy pace for two minutes. Repeat three times.
  3. Your last jog of the week: Walk briskly for four minutes, then jog for three minutes. Repeat three times.

The beginning is always the toughest part of any workout plan, as you are engaging muscles in your body that have been unused for a long amount of time. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t jog for a two full minutes yet, you will build up to it soon. The important part is that you are getting your heart rate up and shaking your muscles out of their lethargy. You can continue to do this jogging schedule after the first week, or challenge yourself by continuing to reduce the minutes walked and increase the minutes jogged.

New to running as part of your workout plan? Check out this introduction to running, and my quick guide to good running technique.

Source:  http://blog.codyapp.com/a-jogging-workout-for-beginners/

